Home » Understand the importance of data behavior in marketing

Understand the importance of data behavior in marketing

Knowing how to collect and analyze data on consumer behavior can be useful for companies that want to predict their customers’ actions and desires.

Rock Content Editor

Jun 23, 21 | 8 min read
data behavior
Reading time: 6 minutes
You already know that brands spend millions every year to attract, retain and engage their ideal customers, right?

In this process, they create highly targeted interactive advertising campaigns and generate digital and content marketing plans that target consumers on an individual basis.

So what’s your secret?

Well, these companies develop their campaigns based on data collected throughout the customer lifecycle .

They also use this valuable information to create personalized and targeted shopping experiences.

The good news for you? Your company can do exactly the same thing .

Here is our post on the different ways to collect

and use behavioral data (with examples from leading brands).

Enjoy it!

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Bottom line: Data behavior continues to evolve with the changing business environment
What is data behavior?
Data behavior is what drives digital marketing activities.

It is important information about customers’ purchasing habits and is collected every time someone purchases a product online or visits a restaurant, for example.

Let’s think about convenience stores for a moment:

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Owners can observe how their customers shop

what they buy, and how often they enter the store;
They know their customers by their first names and probably know their children’s names and when their birthdays are;
These owners know exactly when to buy the most popular products because they know their customers’ purchasing habits.
Now imagine gathering this kind of purchasing managers will discuss their new role as business drivers information, but on a much larger scale. It’s quite difficult.

For this reason, e-commerce and retail chain owners need better methods to track customer behavior .

And that’s where data collection technologies come into play to understand how consumers shop and why they make their purchasing decisions.

Why should you collect data on consumer behavior?
First, to understand how your customers behave, you need to create a 360-degree view of the customer journey.

You will begin by understanding the types of factors that influence purchasing behavior .

We all know that the media and social cg leads networks bombard consumers with digital marketing, branding and content messages to influence them.

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