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The Purchasing areas of companies are emerging as platforms to boost

Profitability, innovation, globalization and areas of social projection are some of the well-known current challenges for companies. They are also challenges for their Purchasing areas and departments, given the increasing importance they are gaining within organizations. And these have been the main aspects that have come to the fore during the 1st Annual Convention of Purchasing Professionals , held last week in Madrid and organized by CPONET , creator of the first social network for Business to facilitate relations between companies.

More than 200 professionals

Including purchasing managers, SMEs and areas of entrepreneurs, shared their experiences and points of view, highlighting the new strategic role of the purchasing function, which has gone from being a support body to list of guatemala consumer email becoming a factor in competitiveness, innovation and decision-making . Companies such as Almirall , IKEA and NH Hoteles , among others, presented success stories that show how this evolution has become evident in their organisations.

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The new dimension of the Purchasing departments as catalysts for entrepreneurial projects took on a special role. Francisco Abad , founder and director of the Fundación Empresa y Sociedad , highlighted the new social function of these areas, which now have the power to open the doors to new business projects that offer their goods and services.

For his part, Juan Carlos Montejano , director of GCE Consulting Electronic Purchasing Management , pointed out that “a good purchasing policy favours the best suppliers, the most professional ones” . And Natividad García , entrepreneur and creator of Domoalert , defended the entrepreneurial attitude as “a pillar of the culture of effort and added value” , and urged those responsible for purchasing livingo’s success, shop window management to “help us generate projects that have and also add value” .

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For Nicolás Sanz , principal of the consulting firm AT agb directory Kearney , “Purchasing departments are fundamental in the supplier development process, and they can help companies in terms of innovation, outsourcing, development of ideas, cost reduction and simplifying the value chain.

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