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The 10th edition of OMExpo and eCOMExpo ends with great success

OMExpo and eCOMExpo , the leading edition of trade fairs in digital marketing and e-commerce, have conclud their 2014 ition this afternoon, a celebratory ition that has exce the objectives set in terms of professional attendees, as well as the expectations of exhibitors and visitors who have been able to enjoy a highly productive environment.

The 2nd day was mark by participation

Exchange of experiences in the forums present as a novelty of this ition: the e-Fashion Forum, epayment and the e-retail forum. Efashion, sponsor by Netbooster in co-organisation with ACOTEX, has cover the kazakhstan email list 235128 contact leads key trends in the fashion sector with the help of the main Spanish companies and brands in the industry such as Clarks Spain, El Ganso, Meinto or Neck & Neck.

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The e-food forum, held successfully for the second time, was once again co-organis by Alimarket and Julián Martín and was one of the most notable events, with the participation of top e-commerce executives, general managers and owners of food and beverage brands/companies interest in starting, increasing and/or optimising their online sales activity.

The epayment Forum, sponsor by V me by Visa, focus on trends and the main tools for online payment and eCommerce, l by experts from major brands such as Telefónica, Visa and Ticketea. The Mobile Marketing Forum , sponsor by adQuota, was attend by advertising companies and mobile marketing providers such as Iberia Express, Viacom and Telefonica, and focus on consumer behaviour and habits with mobile devices and the keys to getting the most out of them to reach certain advertising targets.

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Presentation of the edition of book “The Word and the Tao” by Mario Conde
The Rocket Fuel Debate Hall, present as the great novelty of this use cmo consulting services for fast revenue growth 2014 ition due to its format and content, has been completely full in all its sessions for the second day. Major brands such as Miacom, Yahoo, Microsoft, Phone House, Iberia, ING Direct, Groupm and the Professional Football League – LPF, among others, have been able to debate with the audience and in real afb directory time about the interesting topics present on SEO, Search, Big Data, or on trends, opportunities and risks in mobile advertising.

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