Telegram Digital Library

Formative assessments are ongoing evaluations that provide immediate feedback to learners and instructors. They help identify knowledge gaps, adjust teaching strategies, and support learners’ progress.

Real-time quizzes and polls

Utilize mobile apps or platforms that allow for quick and easy creation of quizzes and polls.

Interactive exercises

Incorporate interactive elements like drag-and-drop, fill-in-the-blank, or matching exercises to assess understanding.

Peer feedback

Encourage learners to provide feedback to each other through collaborative activities Telegram Database or discussion forums.
Mini-projects: Assign small-scale projects or assignments that allow learners to apply their knowledge and receive feedback.

Summative Assessments

Summative assessments measure learners’ overall achievement at the end of a learning unit The market for mobile phones has changed significantly in recent … or course. They are typically used to determine grades and assess mastery of learning objectives.

Online exams

Create online exams using specialized platforms that offer a variety of question types and security features.

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