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StartUp Will Apple succeed in patenting this term

Apple is seeking to patent the term ‘Apple succeed startup’, which covers a wide range of products and services. The company fil the application in Australia on Tuesday. If grant, the term would be us by Apple in relation to retail store services, the maintenance, installation and repair of computer equipment and other devices, ucational services and the design and development of hardware and software.

Apple and its quest to register names, brands and technology are endless. Patent registration allows companies to demand payment of royalties from others who want to use the term. The Cupertino company is currently involv in several lawsuits for patent infringement around the world, especially with its great rival Samsung.

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However, the company wants to continue adding patents to its list of iraq consumer email portfolio and this time it has thought of a term that is currently widely us. According to Wir, Apple wants to obtain the patent for the term startup.

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The application, which was fil by the Cupertino company, seeks to use the name in connection with retail store services, the maintenance, installation and repair of computer equipment and other devices, ucational services – including classes, workshops and seminars – and the design and development of hardware and software.

Apple fil a trademark application with the patent office in 2011 in China and the Unit States. During the processing period, dozens of complaints against the brand name were fil. The American company will therefore have 10 best abm agencies in 2025 + [reviews and examples] to respond to these objections on September 20.

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One of the advantages that Apple has in atb directory obtaining the term ‘start-up’ is that the trademark application was fil in Australia, the Unit States and China, which gives Apple an advantage over other brands since, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization, any company that registers a trademark in one of the countries in which the agreement was sign has priority.

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