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Purchasing managers will discuss their new role as business drivers

CPONET , creator of the first social managers will business network to facilitate the relationship between buyers and suppliers, in order to boost business activity, announces the celebration, on October 24 in Madrid, of its 1st Annual Convention of Purchasing Professionals , which will bring together more than 150 Purchasing managers and professionals from some of the most important Spanish companies.

Which will bring together more

Companies such as NH Hoteles , IKEA , Telefónica , AT list of turkmenistan consumer email Kearney and Almirall , and entities such as AENOR , the Ministry of Justice and the Business and Society Foundation , among others, will meet at CPONET to share their experiences and points of view on the development of the Purchasing Function and the challenges associated with its new strategic role within business activity.

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The current economic situation has reinforced the role of these departments. On the one hand, within companies as critical factors of competitiveness by taking on an increasingly greater weight in the decisions of acquisition of goods and services, in fact they currently manage, on average, three out of every four euros that companies spend; on the other hand, as business generators , by becoming the backbone of commercial relations; and also as promoters of innovation and entrepreneurship, by becoming interlocutors of new entrepreneurs who, through them, have the opportunity to open markets where they can offer their new products and services.

Our experience with professionals

Purchasing departments has allowed us to see the rise of a google gives new seo boost to mobile-friendly websites professional sector that is taking on areas of responsibility that were unthinkable years ago, hence the idea of ​​bringing them together at our first atb directory Convention ,” says Javier Suárez , general manager of CPONET, who adds that “aware of this strategic role in the new business scenarios, we have created the first social business network to boost their activity, improve their efficiency and extend their social projection. In short, what we aim to do is create an ecosystem of competitive suppliers for companies, and excellent clients for suppliers.

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