Home » Organizational resilience: what it is, how it works, what its elements are and how important it is in marketing

Organizational resilience: what it is, how it works, what its elements are and how important it is in marketing

Have you ever wondered how companies respond positively to multiple and unexpected market movements or economic crises? Of course! Organizational resilience is the key.

Giuseppe Caltabiano

Jul 30, 21 | 16 min read
organizational resilience
Reading time: 13 minutes
You’ve probably heard of resilience, right? While the term has been gaining popularity in recent years, it’s not exactly a new word. It comes from Latin, re -silire , meaning “to jump back”; it indicates a self-preserving movement of our form to adapt to an unexpected situation. Pretty interesting, isn’t it?

But what is the importance of organizational resilience

in the business world?

Most people know the answer to this question at the individual level, after all, it is a fundamental skill for performing various professions. However, it is necessary to understand this concept in a broader context, understanding its influence on liberia email list 100000 contact leads company results and that is where organizational resilience comes into play.

Globalization has made companies, consumers and markets more interconnected, volatile and unpredictable, and the consequences of external circumstances have a greater impact and significance, putting the sustainability of organizations at risk.

Indeed, understanding what it is, its importance, how it works, and the elements of organizational resilience will help you succeed in your business marketing strategy .

Do you want to build a resilient business? Then you must read us until the end!

What is organizational resilience?
For real, why is resilience important?
How does a resilient company work?
4 elements of a resilient organization
How to apply organizational resilience?
What is organizational resilience?

Organizational resilience is a concept that has

gained a lot of strength in recent decades and even more so in 2020. It is defined as the ability of a business to adapt to an impact that interrupts or results in a commercial loss and to continue providing an optimal level of service.

In other words, it is an ability that allows one to draw up immediate strategies to anticipate, prepare, adapt and respond to sudden major changes in order to survive and progress in the markets.

Therefore, a resilient company not only focuses on surviving, but also on growing in difficult times, increasing its productivity.

If you have any experience with organizational management, you know the challenges that this process entails. You also know that obstacles are not always perceived at the beginning of planning, generating unexpected situations that must be overcome with creativity and, of course, resilience.

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The global economic crisis generated by

the COVID-19 pandemic forced basically all companies to make profound changes in their operations, at least for a certain period.

Given such a scenario, it would be natural to expect organizations to move away from their direct objectives and accept results that were considerably startup will apple succeed in patenting this term below average, but that was not what happened ! Several companies sought alternative solutions, implementing actions to curb the negative aspects and explore new opportunities.

The pandemic is a perfect example to explain what resilience means. After all, it is difficult to find someone who has not experienced personal situations of adapting to difficulties during the period of isolation. The important thing is not to limit ourselves to the individual level but to bring this perception to the collective dimension of a company.

To achieve a good level of organizational resilience, you need to structure your company. This means not only having resilient professionals, but also by lists establishing a culture that enables and, above all, motivates the adoption of resilient attitudes in all departments, including Marketing .

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