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Learn about the 4 Cs of Marketing, when they were created and how you can manage them in your strategy to get more results

You should already be familiar with the 4 Ps of marketing, so now learn about the 4 Cs of marketing and understand why they are essential!

Vitor Pecanha

Jul 4, 21 | 5 min read
What the 4 C’s of marketing mean
Reading time: 4 minutes
Marketing is a discipline in constant development. As such, it is susceptible to change: paradigms evolve and perspectives take different directions.

One of these paradigms can be seen in the 4 Cs of marketing method, developed by Robert Lauterborn in the 1990s as an evolution of McCarthy’s 4 Ps strategy .

The most outstanding feature of the 4 Cs of marketing is the fact that they consider the consumer .

That is, if before the 4 Ps focused a lot on the product and little on the customer, the 4 Cs of marketing emerged to reverse this process.

So, discover in this post what the 4 Cs of marketing

are and how you can use this method to improve your marketing strategy .

Marketing of the 4 Ps
Before learning about the 4 Cs of marketing, it is important to define the 4 Ps of marketing strategy . This theory was developed by Jerome McCarthy and widely disseminated by professor and book author Philip Kotler .

The 4 Ps refer to the 4 pillars that support a company’s marketing strategy:

Product : Refers to a series of aspects related to the study and development of a product or service.
Price : Covers all operational price list of montserrat consumer email choices in relation to strategic objectives.
Place : Refers to the choice of distribution channels indicated in marketing strategies .
Promotion : Includes promotional activities , including advertising, sponsored ads, direct marketing, merchandising, etc.
The 4 Cs of Marketing Concept
Focusing on a customer-oriented strategy , in 1993 Robert Lauterborn proposed the new concept of the 4 Cs of marketing to integrate it with the traditional method of the 4 Ps.

The difference lies precisely in the approach to the consumer. In the 4 Ps of marketing model, the central focus is always the product. Whereas, in the 4 Cs of marketing model, the focus is on the consumer .

From this perspective, the marketing plan is therefore conceived differently: focusing the planning on the customer.

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To understand it better, let’s find out what the 4 Cs of marketing

1. Client
The first C of this method refers to the needs and desires of consumers . The C for customer replaces the P for product of the old method. Thus, instead of focusing on the product itself, the C for customer focuses on filling some void in the consumer’s life .

This marketing strategy is important for group coaching as a trigger for personal growth businesses that are interested in getting to know their customers better. Once you understand your consumer, it will be easier to create a product that will bring them benefits.

Thus, the customer is the one who makes the purchasing decision , without being forced to do so, becoming the most valuable resource in any marketing strategy.

In other words, investing in customer experience is the best way to boost sales and increase a company’s profits. It’s the modern win-win concept, as the cmo email list consumer has ceased to be a passive recipient and has become the business’s main asset.

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