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How can a service level agreement (SLA) align teams and benefit my business’s bottom line?

Raphael Pires

Jul 2, 21 | 7 min read
Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Reading time: 6 minutes
The union between marketing and sales may sound a little strange to professionals in both areas.

However, once you get past that initial confusion, it’s easy to see how this practice brings huge benefits, not only for each of the teams involved, but also for the entire business, generating more and more opportunities and simplifying internal processes .

But you might be wondering: what is the secret behind the “Ventarketing” strategy? Well, there are a number of important factors there, but one of the main ones is the SLA (Service Level Agreement), which “turns on” this combination between marketing and sales.

Do you want to know more about what this acronym

stands for and how it can help you align both teams? If your answer is “yes,” keep reading!

What is Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
How important is SLA?
6 practices to build a broad-impact SLA
What is Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
The term SLA stands for Service Level Agreement.

But what does this really mean? Basically, it’s an agreement list of morocco consumer email between two or more areas , usually marketing and sales, when they come together to achieve better results for the business.

This agreement:

determines the essential roles of each team,
set clear goals for both,
reconciles the metrics that must be monitored,
defines when to transition a marketing lead to sales,
In other words, the SLA is the document responsible for keeping everyone aligned with the same goal. This helps prevent expectations from being higher than they should be for one of the sectors, or one of them having many more tasks than the other, for example.

How important is SLA?
As you can see from the explanation above, the SLA is a kind of contract between the marketing and sales teams.

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Through it, everyone is aware of what they must

do and knows what to expect from the other . But does it make that much of a difference at work? Of course it does!

Check out these benefits that SLA brings when set up correctly:

Alignment of goals
The first benefit, of course, is knowing ball horticultural opts for smart capture of supplier invoices with esker that with an SLA applied appropriately from the beginning of the strategy, the objectives will always be aligned.

This agreement must be very specific in terms of objectives to be met and timeframes for this to happen.

That way, having the same results in mind is much easier for everyone, and from there decisions can be made that facilitate the achievement of those goals .

Without an SLA, each team’s idea of cmo email list ​​success would likely be quite different and their actions would not complement each other, causing the strategy to fail.

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