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Brand DNA: How to detect and develop your company’s genetic identity

The first thing to say about brand DNA is that its concept is born as a parallel to the biological world. Just like the animal and human world, marketing is a discipline that has its own “information” that manages to persuade, attract, communicate and convince people.

Valentina Giraldo

Jul 16, 21 | 7 min read
What is brand DNA and how to define yours
Reading time: 6 minutes
In this sense, brands, like living beings, have a beginning, a development and an inevitable death.

This causes the brand DNA to focus on those aspects

inherent to the company’s identity – a fundamental part of branding – to produce emotions and responses , bas on the organizational philosophy and the “individuality” that is present.

All of this means that brand DNA is a crucial factor in defining the strategies that govern the growth and evolution of companies . But let’s start at the beginning.

What is brand DNA?
Brand DNA condenses all the development list of lesotho consumer email points and growth factors that an organization has and that make said brand successful over time.

This sum of values ​​forms the core of the brand and contains the most representative characteristics, which must be unique and clearly defin, just as the genetic material of a living creature would be.

In other words, it is the essence of the brand’s identity , and explicitly describes the differentiating and distinguishing elements that it has over its competitors , which allows it to provide specific reasons why a consumer would choose that organization over the rest.

Now, there are different ways to define brand DNA—which we will discuss later in this article—and which can have their origins in the brand’s heritage and the reasons why it was found.

Why is it important to know our brand’s DNA?
In order to develop efficient communication strategies with our clients, it is crucial to define in advance what the values, principles, identity and differential points will be that will help improve the perception that potential consumers have about the brand.

The construction of the brand’s overall identity and its image in the market is bas on these aspects.

Thus, by having a clear purpose, it is much easier to understand the concerns, desires, aspirations, demands, possibilities and lifestyle of consumers .

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This allows them to be attract to the company’s products or services.

So, once the concept and relevance of having a brand DNA has been defin, the ne arises to discover the elements that make this “genetic information” truly efficient and beneficial for the company.

Discover them!

What factors make up your brand’s DNA?
To define the “genetic map” that describes the brand’s DNA, a series of elements must be determin in order to understand how the entire organization functions.

Each of them will show key aspects of the company and how it works.

They describe the inherent characteristics of the brand, which are evident, tangible and can be perceiv at first glance by the senses.

To be consider attributes, they must be mobility and cloud, pillars of it investment in 2014 verifiable and make a noticeable difference when view by a person.

A clear example of this is the design of Apple brand devices, which are notoriously of the highest quality, both in design and internal components.

At this stage, they refer to those emotional and more intangible elements than attributes . That is, those that are only perceptible through the feelings bz lists and emotional bonds that are develop between a brand and its customers

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