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6 ways to avoid banner blindness in your ads

Banner blindness is a phenomenon in which users of your website refuse to recognize an advertisement, consciously or unconsciously. In this post we tell you how to avoid this problem.

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Jun 28, 21 | 8 min read
Learn what banner blindness is and how to ensure it doesn’t exist in your ads
Reading time: 6 minutes
A complete Content Marketing plan should include some form of advertising strategy, whether in the form of Google Ads, social ads, or paid ads host on other websites.

However, as the advertising space continues to fill with people, not all ads receive equal attention. In fact, it seems that some ads are ignor entirely.

A phenomenon call banner blindness is growing

among digital mia users and can have significant negative impacts on the effectiveness of your advertising strategy.

In this article, we will discuss the theory of banner blindness and explain the tactics you can implement in your advertising strategy to overcome the effects of banner blindness and significantly improve your campaigns.

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What are banner ads?
Before we can begin to understand what portuguese timor email list 100000 contact leads banner blindness means, we must first understand what a banner ad is .

The first distinction to make is that a banner ad is not a pop-up. Pop-ups are ads that have an “x” that you can click to remove the ad from your screen, and are usually block by an ad-blocking plugin in your browser .

Banner ads are advertisements that are embd by an ad server on a website and display at the top, center, or bottom of a web page.

They are sometimes referr to as digital billboards , as they are usually static advertisements intend to attract enough attention in a reader to cause them to click away from the website and head to the advertiser’s site.

While any website can have a banner ad embd on its pages, they are most commonly found on news sites or aggregator sites.

These ads are different from sidebar ads, as a banner is meant to attract attention before the reader scrolls down the page.

This type of banner can also be includ on a page by the brand itself to promote a product, event or rich material.

For example, if one of our blog posts will talk about Content Marketing best practices, we could include a banner on this ebook:

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So what is banner blindness

Think about the last time you really paid attention to the sound of your refrigerator running or your heating system turning on.

While these sounds were initially prominent when you mov into your home, after a while you probably got us to hearing them and now tend to tune them out during everyday life.

Banner blindness works in a very e-commerce grows, e-commerce hosting grows similar way and while it can refer to a deliberate refusal to acknowlge an advertisement, it is generally us to describe an unconscious form of selective attention .

rolling halfway down the page to get to the content they want to see without even looking at the ad.

After a while, the banner ad on the site cg leads becomes useless, as surfers do not even look at it directly, let alone click on it.

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