Home » Blog » 5x more users and 20% more leads: how Nubox exploded its blog in one year

5x more users and 20% more leads: how Nubox exploded its blog in one year

Jose Fermin

Jun 16, 21 | 9 min read
Reading time: 7 minutes
Following the changes that Covid-19 has forc on markets, many companies are discovering the world of Inbound Marketing and the advantages it can offer as a customer acquisition channel.

This transition may be new to some, but the reality is that there are companies that have been experimenting and optimizing their digital processes for several years.

One such organization is Nubox, a SaaS that set out

to make the most of Inbound Marketing and achiev incrible results in partnership with Rock Content.

In this article we will tell you the keys that l it to become the most read blog not only in Chile, but in Latin America in the niche of SMEs and accountants .

Nubox is a Chilean SaaS with more list of niue consumer email than 19 years in the market, offering solutions for accountants and business owners focusing on three systems that are also integrat with each other:

More than 80,000 companies have chosen Nubox as a tool to help them manage their business; a sign of the strength and professionalism of this company.

Nubox and Inbound Marketing
Nubox began experimenting with Inbound Marketing in 2016, but lack consistency during that year and the following year. The company was mainly dicat to publishing articles on its blog, without really having a clear strategy with correctly defin goals and objectives.

“In 2019, there was a change in the structure and strategy in the Revenue area that allow us to begin building a much more efficient acquisition methodology bas on Inbound Marketing, accompani also by a lot of experimentation and channel testing.”

This is what Jaiden Martínez , Content Manager & SEO at Nubox, told us .

Given the ambitious challenges and growth goals set for 2020, Nubox decid to rely on an agency for content creation and planning.

list of niue consumer email

That’s how he discover Rock Content

and together we began to build a strategy that has generat very good results for us.

Strategy in motion
Nubox’s previous efforts, while not focus startup will apple succe in patenting this term on a best-practice strategy, had generat a significant amount of traffic (over 3,000 visits per day).

However, aware of the improvements that could be implement in the strategy, one of the most ambitious goals they set was to increase their organic traffic by 30%. Jaiden comments:

“We far exce that goal thanks in part to the content pillar strategy we develop and the historical optimization processes of much of the content already publish on the blog. Rock Content primarily help us with content production and shar best bw lists practices for executing the strategy Nubox had design to achieve success.”


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